1. Examine the fracture. Usually, the distal segment is displaced medially and in recurvatus.
2. Insert a pin in each of the fracture segments. The
distal one is in the condyle, the proximal one in the
metaphyseal are.

Technique for stabilization of a humeral supracondylar fracture
Hybrid triangular construct

3. Connect the distal pin to a half ring by an aluminum clamp.

4. Reduce the fracture and stabilize it by connecting the proximal pin to an inclinable rail. Connect the rail to ring as required to stabilize the fracture.

5. Proceed with the stabilization adding a second pin to the proximal fragment. Take care to avoid the unsafe area of the radial nerve.

6. Add more pins to the epicondyles, stabilizing the distal fragment.

7. In order to further stabilize the frame structure, add hooks for strut construct using the coplanar holes in the ring and in the rail.

8. Connect a malleable stainless steel bar at its
extremities to the hooks, in order to complete the strut contruct, and tighten the nuts on the hooks to firmly clamp the bar.